Monday, March 9, 2015

miscellaneous monday

miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project! our day to share lots of neat stuff that hasn't got anything to do with anything!

veggie tales! with larry, the cucumber and bob, the tomato; along with a cast of veggies with names. they sing silly songs.  in fact silly songs is larry's speciality. he's the host of that portion of the many veggie tales videos.  i watched veggies tales with my nephew when he was a tot then i watched veggie tales with my grandchildren.  memorable lines in the silly songs.  one of our favorites, that my sister and i quote often and at will, is from the pirates song.  they don't do anything. the line?  "what's it got to do with anything? why even bring it up!? very whimsical.  very silly songs!


  1. Love veggie tales--What's it got to do with anything? serves us well!
    Where is my hairbrush is also a winner when I'm looking for something! ha

    1. the best is found amid the simple (and silly and whimsical)!

  2. Oh where is my hairbrush?
    Oh where is my hairbrush?
    Oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where,
    Oh where, is my hair brush?

    This was a favorite the kids and I would sing just for the fun of it!

  3. I need to find a CD and send it to my grands, drive their folks nuts! ha!
