Tuesday, October 31, 2017

trivia tuesday

happy halloween! chocolate is a favorite sweet to give for trick or treat!  mentalfloss.com provides our trivia for trivia tuesday!

chocolate is a vegetable!  chocolate comes from the cacao bean, grown on the cacao tree (theobroma cacao) an evergreen tree of the family malvaceae; that also includes okra and cotton. 

Monday, October 30, 2017

miscellaneous monday

butterflies! here's an article from mother nature network about how to idenify the most common among them. enjoy!


get ready.....

we're preparing for a big project for whimsical wednesday! be on the lookout for a large box or other container.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

solitude sunday

all or nothing: one chef's appetite for the extreme by jesse schenker is my current read. jesse recounts his love of food and cooking as a preschooler cooking with his great-grandmother, nana mae. one of his greatest personal achievements was cooking on the tv show, iron chef america and winning against iron chef geoffrey zakarian. oh, and jesse details his drug addiction that found him homeless and then jailed as a teenager. and his recovery to sobriety so that he could rise to beat an iron chef.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

silly saturday

from robinsfyi.com:

Q: what does tweety bird say on halloween?
A: twick or tweet!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

thoughtful thursday

thoughts of dog @dog_feelings:

today. is a snuggle day. please set aside. some quality time. for snugs.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

whimsical wednesday

we are celebrating international artists day for whimsical wednesday! who is your favorite artist? why is this your favorite artist? what is your favorite piece they created? find out something you don't know about them! share your favorite artist with the whimsey project for whimsical wednesday!

henri matisse, french painter, sculptor, paper artist, was born december 31, 1869 and died november 3, 1954.  he was first introduced to painting when recovering from illness. his mother gave him a set of art supplies to occupy him. that was the beginning of what was to be his life long avocation.

matisse is my favorite artist because i am drawn to the vibrancy of the color in most of his paintings. the figures are simple and inelegantly drawn, which i find most whimsical. the mismatch of shapes remind me of early american patchwork quilting. the riot of shapes and colors should not work but work it does. his works that are most aesthetically pleasing to me are his interiors; rooms i would enjoy being in. a few of these paintings include "interior at collioure", "the red room", "the blue window", "the black table", "girl in the green dress", "two women", "the daisies", "the lute", "interior in yellow", "the black fern", "red interior, still on a blue table", "red interior".  it's quite impossible for me to have a favorite matisse.

what i did not know about matisse before my research on his for whimsical wednesday is that he dabbled in pointillism, the process of creating images with dots of color. a few of his pointillistic works were dots but the dots soon became most like smudges. this was actually more interesting than dots as the color smudges added a layer of interest beyond what dots could offer. 

when my artistically inclined daughter was in seventh grade i asked her to create a matisse inspired painting for me. she painted an interior with two girls (her sister and herself!) sitting at a table enjoying tea. that painting has always had a place of prominence in my home(s).

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

trivia tuesday

from onthisday.com:

on this date in 1971, harry drake shot the longest traveling arrow from a footbow at one mile, 268 yards.

Monday, October 23, 2017

miscellaneous monday

taking a peek inside the whimsey notebook for a favorite daily whimsical moment...   on monday, september 25th, i watched as leaves fell from trees into the lake. then the leaves glided across the surface of the water like wee boats.

are you keeping a whimsey notebook in which to record a daily whimsical moment? if not, consider doing so. if you keep a whimsey notebook, share a moment for miscellaneous monday. 

get ready.....

who is your favorite artist? be thinking for whimsical wednesday.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

solitude sunday

trumbo by bruce cook. because dalton trumbo wouldn't answer questions before the congressional committee investigating un-american activities, he was found in contempt of congress. he was sentenced to one year in federal prison. all all appeals were exhausted, he served ten months in the federal prison in kentucky. 

Saturday, October 21, 2017

silly saturday

from jokes4us.com:

Q: did you hear about the race between the lettuce and the tomato?
A: the lettuce was a head and the tomato was trying to ketchup!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

thoughtful thursday

elbert hubbard:

the greatest mistake you can make in life is continually fearing that you'll make one.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

whimsical wednesday

we are celebrating inktober for whimsical wednesday! inktober is a month long, daily art activity using ink. created by artist jake porter, inktober has been going strong since 2009. for our whimsical wednesday activity we need a pen and a piece of paper or card stock no larger than 4x6 inches. we are drawing circles. the challenge within the drawing is draw as many circles as the card will hold. there's no boundary for what type of circles; large, medium, small. intertwined, circles within circles. after you have completed your circles, report your circle total to the whimsey project.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

trivia tuesday

from @mental_floss:

dr seuss was the first person to use the word NERD. it appeared in his 1950 book, IF I RAN THE ZOO.  a noun used to describe one of his creatures, it later became an adjective in newsweek to describe a teenager that is a square or uncool.

Monday, October 16, 2017

miscellaneous monday

the mind circle is an awesome website! so much to be amazed by. here's a link to a post about street art:


get ready.....

get ready for whimsical wednesday! you'll need a pen or pencil and a 4x6 inch piece of paper or card stock.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

solitude sunday

trumbo by bruce cook continues. trumbo spent two years in pursuit of cleo, a woman he met and decided to marry the first time he saw her. love at first sight on his part but not so much on hers. thus, two years. a persistent fellow, that trumbo.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

silly saturday

from squighysplayhouse.com

Q: what do you call a dog who always knows the time?
A: a watch dog!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

thoughtful thursday

buddhist proverb:

better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

whimsical wednesday

we are trying new apple recipes for whimsical wednesday! on monday, under the get ready post, a link was shared that offers a variety of tasty apple recipes; if you are in need of a recipe. otherwise enjoy making a recipe you already have. please report your results to the whimsey project!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

trivia tuesday

from mental floss:

1946: when the first photograph of earth was taken from space; black and white, grainy, distorted.

Monday, October 9, 2017

miscellaneous monday

interesting, beautiful art is always grand to view but we can't see it all in person. however we can enjoy art all over the world via the internet. be thrilled by these sculptures from the mind circle:


get ready.....

get ready for whimsical wednesday! apples are so tasty this time of year so we are trying new apple recipes. maybe you have one you've been meaning to try. if not, here's a link for apple recipe ideas:


Sunday, October 8, 2017

solitude sunday

bruce cook's trumbo continues. dalton trumbo was responsible for taking care of his family; father, mother and two sisters. this began at an early age and continued well into adulthood. he took his responsibilities and worked very hard, often at more than one job at a time, to keep the family going. through it all he wrote, wrote, wrote.

Friday, October 6, 2017

photo friday

windy, michael and jovey celebrated national taco day wednesday 10.4

Thursday, October 5, 2017

thoughtful thursday

thoughts of dog @dog_feelings:

I'VE GOT. BIG NEWS.. i love you.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

whimsical wednesday

we are on a treasure hunt in our homes for whimsical wednesday. look around your house. what is the oldest item therein? what is it? where did it come from? who did it belong to? tell the story of the oldest item in your home for whimsical wednesday!

the oldest item in my home belonged to my maternal great-grandmother; two pieces of ruby and clear cut depression glass. my mother said they were the only items of value that belonged to her grandmother and then mother. her mother gave them to her. she gave them to me for my daughters. when she gave them to me, years ago when my daughters were young, she wrote the family history of the pieces and tucked that paper in one of the pieces.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

trivia tuesday

from national geographic:

a group of jellyfish is called a bloom.

Monday, October 2, 2017

miscellaneous monday

open culture is an amazing website! check out this particular post of the oldest song known:


get ready.....

get ready for whimsical wednesday! it's very old day. you'll need your eyes and thinking cap!

Sunday, October 1, 2017

solitude sunday

a new book begins. trumbo by bruce cook. the biography of an oscar-winning screenwriter who broke the hollywood blacklist. i read the forward by john mcnamara, the screenwriter of the movie trumbo featuring bryan cranston. and a few pages of chapter one.