Tuesday, May 6, 2014

trivia tuesday

trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share any and all trivia! we have created categories:
*NOT SOMETHING YOU SEE EVERY DAY!  trivia that is very unusual to behold.
*what's in a name? a person's surname matches their profession.
*YOU DID NOT! experiences you have but others don't believe it happened.
*general trivia of fun and interesting factoids.
*your category!  start a trivia category for trivia tuesday!

in the NOT SOMETHING YOU SEE EVERY DAY! category:  i watched a pair of cardinals sitting opposite one another, munch cracked corn at the tray bird feeder. it was as if they were dining at a restaurant or a kitchen table. suddenly the female leaned toward the male and gave him a bit of her food; the exchange beak to beak. soon after, he shared a bite with her. they chattered and ate and shared. it was sweet.

what's your trivia for trivia tuesday!?


  1. At my trip to Walmart today, I saw at least 8 people who attend the same service at my church! We all laughed about being there at the same time!

  2. This past weekend my little brother threw the opening pitches at Busch Stadium! His high school team had the opportunity to play a game there. His team won by a landslide (20-2 or something!!) What a way to end your senior year!

    1. what a neat experience to participate in for both players and observers. such an experience would fit in both the NOT SOMETHING YOU SEE EVERY DAY! and YOU DID NOT! categories!
