Wednesday, September 7, 2016

whimsical wednesday

whimsical wednesday! we're playing room to room. how do you play room to room? take at least five minutes in each room of your house. why? because we tend to routinely occupy the same spaces of our homes. for whimsical wednesday visit the spaces you rarely or never go. for me that's upstairs and the living room. bathrooms exempt. we certainly visit those rooms enough! what should you do when going to room to room? read, look around, close your eyes for a break, sip tea. or nothing at all. visit all the rooms in a single span of time or spread the visits throughout the day. report your experience to the whimsey project!

1 comment:

  1. i played room to room for whimsical wednesday. i even went upstairs, which i never do. it was very pleasant to visit all the rooms in my house; like seeing old friends. i led a parade of curious kitties and one puzzled dog. they are not used to having me all over the house! during my room visits i mostly just sat and looked around. it's something i'll have to do again sometime.
