Monday, September 12, 2016

miscellaneous monday

miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the stuff we don't share the rest of the week! bring on the miscellaneous!

neko atsume. neko atsume is an online application for smart phones that allows a person to collect kitties. i play this game. which is surprising because i have never played an online game. however, this one is different. it's gentle and sweet. the kitties are very whimsical. the best reason to play is the rest of the family does. we share with each other when we have had a visit from one of the rare kitties. we share with each other when one of the kitties leaves a memento. we share strategy of what goodies to purchase with the fish the kitties leave as gifts when they have visited. we share when a record number of kitties is visiting at the same time. we share the different room remodels we have installed. in short, neko atsume is grand for family time; even (and especially) from a distance! read about it here:

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