Tuesday, June 17, 2014

trivia tuesday

trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all manner of trivia.  we have categories:
*NOT SOMETHING YOU SEE EVERY DAY!  unusual experiences.
*YOU DID NOT! experiences shared with others and they don't believe it.
*what's in a name? when a person's name matches their profession.
*i read somewhere....  neat stuff read but can't remember where.
*internet fun. neat stuff discovered on the internet.
*general trivia.
*your category.  add a category to the list for trivia tuesday!

in the NOT SOMETHING YOU SEE EVERY DAY (or possibly YOU DID NOT!) category: sunday i was sitting on the porch with the dog and most of the cats when two giant tom turkeys strolled into the yard. they were pecking at the corn i scatter in the grass for assorted critters. one of the turkeys came upon a mushroom (fungus? toadstool?), sniffed at it, then gobbled (no pun intended) it in one bite!

share your trivia with the whimsey project this trivia tuesday!

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