Monday, July 28, 2014

moments monday

moments monday at the whimsey project.  our day to reflect and/or connect:
*reflect by writing in any journal.  i keep a personal journal, a themed journal about the farm,  a memory book, a notable notebook in which to record neat stuff.
*connect by calling, writing, visiting, sending cards or any other way you wish to connect with others.
*memorabilia.  take time to sort through the keepsakes everyone has.  organize by category or year.  put in boxes or scrapbooks or make stuff with it.

how did you reflect and/or connect this moments monday?


  1. I have connected all weekend, visiting my parents, brothers and their wives. More than that, we attended a celebration at my mother's home church yesterday, 125 year anniversary for the church. My mother's family's history goes all the way back to about 20 years after the church started, beginning with her great grandfather and grandparents. When she was little, on mother's day weekend, when different mothers/familiies were recognized, they quite often were recognized for having the most generations, 4, in attendance. Even today, I still have an uncle and aunt active in the church. More notable is that after serving in the army for 2 years when he completed college, my father was the part time minister of music at the church and that is how my parents met! After the service and pot luck meal afterward, my uncles and aunts, (one couple from texas) came to the house. One uncle has all the old pictures from my grandparents. He has organized them all and scanned them onto his computer. He brought all the pictures from that side of the family, many before my mom who is the oldest was ever born or thought of. We had a fun afternoon looking at the pictures and listening to my mom and her brothers remembering these people in their past. Fun way to reconnect with the past!

    1. what a very, very special experience for reflecting and connection. you made amazing memories as well! thank you for sharing such a wonderful moments monday.
