Saturday, July 5, 2014


the seven wee kittens are romping about.  they still scatter when they see me. all but one; a yellow who is quite bold.  he doesn't want to be touched and will flee if approached. however, if there's no such threat he's sit rather close and watch everything that is going on. he feels secure enough to take a nap not five feet from me.

map and eli are still in the garage but they come in the house more and more. sometimes i pick them up and bring them into the house to have them sit on my lap for awhile (one at a time since both kitties are huge). this is also progress. when they first arrived, if i attempted to bring them into the house, they would jump down and zip back to the garage.  map hides though. it can be days that i call for her and she doesn't respond. that causes me concern. and then she'll just pop out with a "here i am" demeanor!

the field across the road gets planted in a crop now. last year it was tall corn soldiers marching across the land in formation. this year's crop appeared to be soy beans when first the plants emerged. after a few weeks it became clear the crop was not soy beans but sunflowers! when more of the plants are in full blossom i shall take photographs.

tiny toads are hopping everywhere in the ground vegetation! lots and lots and lots of tiny toads. they are so cute. they make me giggle.

so many gorgeous wildflowers and perennials blooming.

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