Monday, February 5, 2018

miscellaneous monday

recently i read the question, "what author's books do you have most of on the bookcase?" i had to think about that for a bit. the answer off the top of my head is thomas cahill. he wrote a series entitled the hinges of history. fascinating of various aspects of history throughout time that changed the course or nature of civilization. while these volumes might sound ponderous, they are actually extremely well written to be highly readable. and what could be difficult to understand is explained as if someone is talking to you.  there's one volume yet to be published. i'm waiting patiently. what author's books do you have the most of?


  1. Karen Kingsbury and Liz Curtis Higgs. Both are Christian fiction writers. Higgs usually does historical or biblical based fiction. On my ebook shelf I have a lot of Bodie and Brock Thoene. Also Christian fiction writiers who mostly write in the WWII era and do lots of research for their books. One of them actually had higher education from the time period. I really like reading WWII era fiction and love all the info I've learned from reading their books.

    1. then your bookcase is filled with happiness for you! awesome. i am strictly a nonfiction reader but have much appreciation for fiction authors who steep their stories in fact.
