Wednesday, February 18, 2015

whimsical wednesday

it's whimsical wednesday at the whimsey project! today we are trying out new stuff.  it could be from the holidays, a birthday, something passed along, something you got for yourself.  you have it now. and still it languishes in the package!  open it! try it out! then tell us all about it!  enjoy try it day!


  1. I plan to try out a new butterfly die cut and a new layered stamp set!

    1. that sounds great. let us know how it worked.

  2. it's been a busy "try your new stuff" for me. after putting on new socks and new lotion, i began with stuff in the kitchen. in the new crock pot i cooked a new dessert recipe. while that cooked, i prepared a cucumber with the new julienne veggie peeler. libby joined me in drinking new tea flavors out of new cups and teapots. each of us had a different tea with a different cup and a different teapot. libby lit a new candle; cranberry peppermint which has a very nice aroma. i tried new craft supplies, pens and stamps. libby and i worked with our new binding machine by making our first notebook. after libby showed me photos that were of her recent travels, we ate the new dessert that just finished in the new crock pot. we had a fun, yummy, productive whimsical wednesday!

  3. Wow, that's a 'new' overload. Too fun!
    I tried out a new stamping technique called a 3 step process.
    I used the lotus flower freebie from SU Sale a Bration.
    It is a photopolymer stamp that I didn't have much experience with before now. I watched the youtube instructions which helped--some tips--use the foam mat under the paper for a better stamp image. Line up the tabs on the clear blocks before stamping.

  4. I wore a new hooded scarf thing to keep me warm doing outside chores! -l
