Wednesday, November 19, 2014

whimsical wednesday

we are preparing for thanksgiving this whimsical wednesday! make the menu, make the shopping list, decide what your decorations will be, make your centerpiece for the table, plan activities.  whatever you want to do to make your thanksgiving a memorable, enjoyable day.

i'll be working on the menu, the shopping list and activities for our thanksgiving day/weekend (thanksgiving lasts all weekend at our house!).

what are you doing to prepare for thanksgiving this whimsical wednesday?


  1. Since we are going to my parents house, my Mom will do all the menu planning and preparing ahead for meals. The day after Thanksgiving, we will celebrate Christmas as a family. All part of the same holiday weekend since that is when we will be together. We have such a GOOD time together, laughing, talking, visiting and enjoying being together. Today, I am working on the Christmas part of the weekend.

    1. that sounds wonderful; a delightfully blended holiday with family!
