Monday, November 24, 2014

moments monday

moments monday at the whimsey project. our day to reflect and/or connect:
*reflect: write in any journal, keep a memory book (for random memories) or a notable notebook in which to record neat stuff.
*connect: call, write, send a card, text, email, visit.  make a connection with others however works best for those involved.
*memorabilia:  we all have memories in the form of stuff.  do something with it. sort it, put it in albums or boxes, craft with it.  if you are finished with it, throw it away!

today is a special connection day.  a friend of the family's birthday.  we will surprise her with her favorite birthday cake, pumpkin pie, at her work place.  she will giggle.  and we got her green glass for a gift cause it's her favorite.

how did you spend moments monday? share with the whimsey project.

1 comment:

  1. operation birthday surprise for moments monday was grand! our birthday girl was impressed, amused, pleased and surprised! she was able to share her birthday "cake" with her coworkers.
