Wednesday, May 2, 2018

whimsical wednesday

it's the first whimsical wednesday of the month of may! you know what that means, fellow whimzees! it's work on your own projects day. this is the day of the month for you to pay attention to projects you have in progress and want to complete. have at it and report your project activity to the whimsey project.

this morning i added to a collage that was finished with a picture that shouted, "put me in the collage!" so i did. it turned out to be a great addition to the art journal page.  i paused from project number two to write today's post. i'm working on something i was given for christmas.  film at 11.


  1. Club recipe book continues--this month's recipe was desserts. My recipe was an Easy Cookie Cake Recipe. We even got to sample some of the recipes today. Yum Yum.(This Recipe was on a few Thursdays ago. )

  2. work on your own projects day was a great whimsical wednesday for me! i added to a collage, tied up loose ends on four other projects and worked on one biggie. i received lifeprint as a gift at christmas. lifeprint is a mini printer that prints photos from smartphones and other sources. i learned how to and printed 5 pictures from my cell phone with the lifeprint. it is so neat.

  3. oooohhhhh, that does sound interesting. Good way to get those great pix off of the phone.

    1. it's a neat gadget. one i had not heard of and wouldn't have heard of if it hadn't been given to me.
