Monday, March 28, 2016

miscellaneous monday

miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the stuff you don't share the rest of the week. bring on the miscellaneous!

it's the day after easter. there are hard boiled eggs (dyed pretty colors for easter) left from the celebrations. what do you do (or did) with your leftover easter eggs?

there's always been the activity of dyeing easter eggs, even with the advent of plastic eggs that can be decorated and filled with goodies. the real eggs were hidden.  sometimes not all were found! what remains becomes deviled eggs, made with grandmother klasek's recipe. when i think about it, easter eggs are an excuse to make grandma's deviled eggs!  here's the recipe:

per each hard boiled egg yoke, add one teaspoon of yellow mustard and one teaspoon of vinegar.
after the yokes are mixed and then refilled in the white halves, sprinkle with chili powder.

as dad used to say, "that's a deviled egg!"


  1. Mom had a plate of these waiting for us when we arrived!
    Yummers appetizers.
