Monday, December 1, 2014

moments monday

moments monday at the whimsey project.  our day to reflect and/or connect.  we do so:
*reflect:  write in a journal.  don't have one? begin one! a memory book in which to record random memories. a notable notebook in which to record random neat stuff.
*connect: call, write, visit, send a card or a letter or two.  email, text.  do whatever works best for those involved.
*memorabilia:  we all have it laying around.  sort it, store it in boxes or put in a scrapbook.  craft with it.  if you are finished with it, throw it away!

for me, special notes of thanks are going in the mail this morning.  a line or two in the journal as well.

how will you reflect and/or connect this moments monday?


  1. 26 years ago today my special Christmas blessing was born--baby boy.
    I tried to have him on his auntie's birthday,but he was anxious to meet the world! I hope to facetime with him later today. Yay for technology!

    1. a very special connection (and reflection) for moments monday! happy birthday mom and happy birthday son!
