Thursday, March 31, 2011

thoughtful thursday

days often pass without event and they are thought of as ordinary.  ask someone what happened today and the response is typically NOTHING.  but did nothing really occur?  there is something quite pleasant in the passage of an "ordinary" day. first and foremost, it is lived!  being alive is never ordinary however mundane it may seem.  so much of ordinary is really routine and sameness; the routine and sameness that provides the stability that life requires.  were everyday "eventful" we just might not be able to cope!  think about an ordinary day.  consider all the moments that are so very special:  watching a bird through the window, lighting a candle at dusk and savoring the scent and light filling the room, making the house tidy then feeling good about how nice it looks, exchanging conversation with those closest or even strangers, the sunrise and sunset, folding clean laundry, preparing a meal to share, interacting with children or animal friends, getting the mail from the box or reading the newspaper.  all of this and more comprise the magic (and whimsey) of ordinary days.  are there really any ordinary days after all?

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