Thursday, March 10, 2011

thoughtful thursday

in the book/movie "the remains of the day" there is a moment that captures the day becoming night.  one of the main characters wonders why this moment seems to be noticed with special significance to people.  that is often a very busy time for people and there is no opportunity for noticing the passing of the day.  for me, especially during the time of year before daylight savings time, this is a time savored.  as the sun sets, the house feels calm and quiet.  a candle burns, the kitties are snoozing, any activity i undertake is also calm and quiet; sometimes i read or listen to classical music or do handicrafts.  and sometimes it's when doing absolutely nothing is what is most enjoyed.  once daylight savings time has arrived, the remains of the day is enjoyed outside on the porch  watching the sunset, the ducks laze on the lake, active deer and birds scurrying about having their last meal of the day.  make it your part of your routine to enjoy the remains of the day, at least once a week, alone or with others.  perhaps you will also come to savor the moment when day becomes night.

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