Wednesday, February 9, 2011

whimsical wednesday!

an open mind regarding what to create helped guide me while shopping for whimsical wednesday on monday.  when i spied red, heart-shaped doilies i knew just what the valentines would look like!.  a package of doilies and a bag of traditional candy hearts were purchased.  i was ready.  i almost couldn't wait until today to make valentines.

the valentines?  red, heart shaped cones filled with candy hearts.  the doilies were shaped into cones.  tucked into each cone went a small baggie of candy hearts.  the collection of valentines were put in a basket; ready to share on valentine's day.

it's very cold today and now, mid afternoon, it's snowing!  the activity for whimsical wednesday helped warm me, however.  making valentines to give to others next monday was a very pleasant way to spend part of the day.   i smiled while creating and find that i am smiling still.  make a few valentines and smile yourself!


  1. It was fun coloring Valentines with my variety of markers. Took me back to grade school days. We usually made our own to give out. It was special if mom had doilies for us to use with our crayons, construction paper and that glue that came out too fast from the glass bottle and rubber tip. (Thank goodness for the invention of glue sticks since the glue bottle always made a mess.)

  2. those were the most excellent valentines, which were indeed very special if there were doilies to use. except for the glue! it did come out of the bottle too fast and it did make a mess. i did like the cow on the label, however. we called it "cow" glue. wonder if others called it that as well. coloring is a very traditional kid way to decorate valentines. you have fancy, fancy with markers. with kids, i still like crayons. somehow markers just doesn't have the whimsey in kid art that crayons has. maybe that's just me and wistfulness. =]

  3. We made our valentines over the weekend. On saturday, the kids and I sat down armed with construction paper, crayons, scissors and glue. They each made enough for their class. They insisted I participate too (I was completely prepared to make dinner or some such while they were crafting). I made valentines for my Sunday students and for my family to open this morning. I was surprised at how much fun I had doing it.

    Sunday was my traditional baked valentines. I made chocolate sugar cookies with pink glaze and heart sprinkles. I also made pumpkin muffins in my heart shaped muffin tins for today's breakfast.

    Mefi held up her muffin this morning and said, "I heart this breakfast mom"
