Wednesday, September 26, 2018

whimsical wednesday

whimsical wednesday! drive on a randomly selected street; either a street you know well or one new to you. drive slowly and take a peek at the houses you pass. select the house that most appeals to you. share your selection with the whimsey project and explain why that house is the one you like best. 


  1. That's easy - I drive by this one every day on my way to work and watched the renovation process for at least a year. It's gorgeous!
    (was hoping it would include the picture with the link)

    1. this house is awesome! the grounds alone would be enticing. that bonus room would make a great craft/art space! do you imagine living there and how you would utilize the rooms?

  2. the house that appealed to me the most was on a well traveled road in town. it's a simple country farm house amid a bevy of very large, grandiose houses. the unassuming elegance of the house speaks volumes for why it stands out.
