Wednesday, March 21, 2018

whimsical wednesday

we are celebrating international favorite fragrance day for whimsical wednesday! what fragrance do you like? use that fragrance in a special way today; wear the fragrance in the form of perfume, bring flowers of that fragrance into the house (not only will it fill the air with a lovely scent but it will look pretty), write a note to someone and scent it before you send it! share your favorite fragrance activity with the whimsey project.

i made a bottle of homemade air freshener (febreze). here's the recipe:
4 tablespoons of baking soda
3 tablespoons of fabric softener
3 cups of lukewarm water

blend the baking soda and fabric softener, pour into bottle that has a spray attachment.
add the water.
shake well before using as it does separate.

the fabric softener i used was light floral scent. to use one of my favorite fragrances, i added about 6 drops of lavender essence.

another way to add scent to the house with a fragrance i like is simple.
cut an X into a lemon and squeeze it to "open" the lemon.
set the lemon on a dish or in a pretty container and place in an area that needs to be freshened, like the bathroom or a closet.
the lemon will dry out and then you can put it down the garbage disposal. grind it up and the kitchen sink smells wonderful.

i like shalimar perfume so i dabbed a bit behind each ear for favorite fragrance day!


  1. I remember as a Brownie Scout putting whole cloves into an orange for a home freshener. I doubt if that would even be an affordable craft anymore with today's cost for spices. I like the lemon idea.
    I dry the lavender flowers, then pull off the dried flowers and place in containers for a nice fragrance.

    1. those are nice scents for the home. maybe today we could stick one or two cloves in an orange!
