Monday, June 12, 2017

miscellaneous monday

it's miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the stuff we don't share the rest of the week. share your stuff with us!

i've had difficulty sleeping for the last several days. however, it has had its perks. right now the moon is very full. and golden. one morning i was outside feeding the kitties earlier than usual so i saw the big, big moon in the western sky. although the sky was blue and the sun was coming up, the moon was still large. another very very early morning i was awake and saw the same moon in the eastern sky. the sky was dark as it was long before time for the sunrise. if there wasn't going to be sleep, there was a whimsical moon to enjoy.


  1. I agree the moon has been beautiful this week! In fact, it was so big and bright friday night when we driving back from the airport that I had trouble seeing through all the bugs and dirt on my windshield. The moon did the same thing that the sun does!

    1. the moon, when full, does emit (actually reflect) a great deal of light... like daytime but softer. have you washed the windshield?
