Wednesday, May 10, 2017

whimsical wednesday

we are celebrating national shrimp day for whimsical wednesday! there are many ways to partake of shrimp day! you could eat shrimp out, eat shrimp in. go shrimp fishing. draw a shrimp, fold an origami shrimp. fly a shrimp kite. color something shrimp pink! remember i said you could think beyond the concrete manifestation of shrimp? shrimp is slang for small. that's another tangent you can take to celebrate national shrimp day. have a whimsical wednesday celebrating shrimp!


  1. shrimp day was delightful. i colored an art journal page background with a shrimp pink crayon. when i prepared the evening meal, i cut all the components of the main dish very small. and by happenstance, i saw a photo of a mantis shrimp on twitter. it was awesome!

  2. I did not celebrate as I am just reading this. However, I have never liked the form of shrimp relating to small because I was teased A LOT in school about being small and called shrimp numerous times. However, your use of cutting ingredients for your dish very small is good!

    1. thank you! we can turn that negative of shrimp around by remembering that many good things come in small packages.
