Wednesday, July 13, 2016

whimsical wednesday

we're putting stuff away for whimsical wednesday! yes, it does conjure images of back breaking, never ending housework. however, look at the task from a whimsical perspective. you could change items in your house to refresh the look. tired of a painting, vase or other decorative object? put it away. replace it with something else! got photos that need sorting? do so and put them away. want to take stock of your art supplies? begin by putting them away! i always see what i have when i clear the desk of all piled up utensils. how about collections? rotate them. add some, put some away. rearrange them, put them some where new. same with houseplants. have fun putting stuff away and feel refreshed! or you could just put stuff away. that's ok too.


  1. i put stuff away all day long. when i receive cards in the mail, i have a place to display them. i put some away to make room for new ones. as i used art supplies, i actually put them away after i was finished with them. i put stuff away that was cluttering one space or another. and other stuff i can't remember just now.

  2. I reread my Christmas cards. I updated addresses, put cards into piles--keepers and recyclers. I even started thinking about this year's list!
