Tuesday, September 8, 2015

trivia tuesday

trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all manner of trivia; experiential and factual. let's have the trivia!

my mother celebrates her 90th birthday this week.  here's trivia from 1925 the year she was born:
*1925 in roman numerals is mcmxxv
*the grand old opry, initially called the wsm barn dance, was first broadcast on wsm radio in nashville, tennessee.
*the new yorker magazine first published.
*tea for two by marion harris was the number one hit song.
*nellie tayloe ross of wyoming became the first woman elected governor in the united states.
*mom born september 11, 1925. wanting a boy, her parents named her frances after her father and eugenia about her uncle eugene!

happy 90th birthday to you, mom!


  1. Trivia--"Mason Jars get their name from John Landis Mason, who patented an early version of the screw-on lid in the 1850s. "
