Tuesday, September 15, 2015

trivia tuesday

trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all manner of trivia; experiential or factual! bring it on!!

according to the oxford english dictionary the word "macrosmatic" means having a well developed sense of smell.


  1. Thought I would share this as this character has meant much to my children over the years. (HAHAHA!)
    200. The total number of video games in which Mario has appeared. His most famous job, as the here who saves Princess Toadstool in Super Mario Bros., began 30 years ago this month.
    His first job, four years earlier, was as Donkey Kong's opponent.
    The first home computer I used or even knew about belonged to a friend. We spent quite a few hours helping Mario battle Donkey Kong!

    1. that is so cool. i like that princess toadstool name. go mario!

  2. Wow, I must be a super "macrosmatic", some days it is a curse! lol

    Two most recognizable 'smells' from childhood--play-doh and crayons.

    Wow, Kathy, that's neat info. I have never played any of those games!

    1. play-doh and crayons. our noses would know those aromas anywhere!
