Wednesday, August 26, 2015

whimsical wednesday

we're celebrating national hug month for whimsical wednesday! send a hug to someone far away. it can be a just because hug or a comfort hug or a hello hug. please send the hugs via the actual mail so the recipient will get the hug in the mailbox. however, if electronic hugs are your thing, send electronic hugs.  report your whimsical wednesday activity to the whimsey project!

my hugs were written in letters and placed in the mailbox for the postal carrier to take away on their journey. one to a friend in indiana and one to a friend in massachusetts. and one for the mail carrier who is ever confused, it seems, by all our goofy mail!


  1. I sent out a few hugs in the mail as well. My mail carrier thanks me for keeping the USPS in business! ha
