Monday, April 14, 2014

moments monday

moments monday at the whimsey project.  our day to reflect and/or connect.  we reflect by writing in our memory books (any notebook in which to record random memories).  we might write in a personal journal. we could record tidbits in our notable notebooks (any notebook in which to collect interesting facts, quotes, ideas).  we connect by writing, calling, visiting others. or by any means that works best for those involved.

i keep a journal about life on the farm. i wrote about the coming of spring and all the birds i have been seeing. cards are in the mail and sent email to connect with a few friends i haven't talked to in awhile.

how do you reflect and/or connect?  share your ideas as well as your reflections and/or connections.


  1. The only 'journaling' I have ever stuck with is keeping a journal on vacations that I've taken. My oldest book dates back to 1966!

    Day to day? I find it almost impossible even to keep a 'to do' list... but I will try to record my first-of-year Hummingbird to my yard this year.

    1. that's a worthy goal, cele! the reason we dedicate a day to recording anything important to us as the whimsey project is to make sure it happens. i keep a notable notebook, a memory book, a farm and nature journal and a personal journal. none of them get written in every day. and some get more attention than others. it just depends on what comes along in my thinking or experience. your vacation journals sound wonderful. a travelogue i would love to read. maybe you'll share some of your experiences here at the whimsey project. thank you for commenting! please do so again! welcome!
