Thursday, September 5, 2013

thoughtful thursday

my house has been disrupted for several months due to painting and new flooring installed.  as a room is completed, it has been put back together.  in the past week the items have been replaced in the living room; special because the items that fill the room are pieces of art.  all of the pieces are personal, having been created by someone i know or myself or a gift from someone i care about.  as each piece was lifted out of the boxes they were stored in and unwrapped, my reaction was that of meeting old friends!  each item held in my hands and put back into place filled me with the memory of that particular piece and the person who shared it with me. when all the boxes were empty and each piece once again home in the living room, it was a pleasure to savor the moment.  that room, because of all it holds and how what it holds makes it feel, is my favorite room!

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