Wednesday, July 25, 2012

whimsical wednesday

it was bird watching day for whimsical wednesday!  and a great bird watching day it was!  from the house, that is.  with temperatures soaring above 105 degrees, the birds were observed throughout the day from different windows around the house. there were the usual visitors to the farm; cardinals, crows, hummingbirds, ducks (male, female, ducklings), gold finches, doves, wrens, sparrows, indigo buntings, eastern bluebirds, wild turkeys.  bird watching was eagerly awaited for whimsical wednesday as i was informed by a neighbor yesterday that she spotted the herons with young at my lake over the weekend (while i was away).  there was hope that the heron family would reveal themselves for bird watching day.  even with watching all day, no heron family in sight.  no matter for, like license plates, the search will continue beyond whimsical wednesday!


  1. I was on the alert for birds yesterday, even more so than usual. Of course there were plenty of pigeons, a few grackles, one hulk of a crow, something bright yellow that flittled past too quickly to identify, a cheeky robin and to end the day of walks, a bevvy of house sparrows taking a dirt bath in soft soil where Watson & I were trekking. They scattered only a few inches from the 'pool' as we walked past, and all their tiny footprints made me smile, then soon as we were clear they all hopped back in again. :D


    1. your day of bird watching must have been delightful!
