Wednesday, September 14, 2011

whimsical wednesday!

to observe national classical month, our whimsical wednesday activity was to listen to classical music!   currently i am visiting mom and dad.  their cable tv programming includes music channels.  last night before going to bed i set the tv on the classical music station.  i woke very early, it was still dark, and turned on the music.  drowsey, i listened to whatever was offered until i fell back to sleep.  upon awakening a bit later the sounds of a lovely piece greeted me. because i wasn't paying attention to the tv screen, i have no idea what specific pieces or composers i was listening to.  what a wonderful way to begin the day!  because it's a lovely way to begin the day (and it will still be whimsical wednesday when i go to bed) i do believe i shall end the day the way it began....listening to classical music!  hoped you enjoyed as well.

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