Wednesday, September 7, 2011

whimsical wednesday!

the day began with enjoying pages in the grandchildren's activity books.  most of the dot-to-dots were already completed but a few appeared for me to enjoy.  bonus! i was able to do my favorite feature in the activity books.  there were mazes, decoding, circling the missing components of an object, which item is different from the others.  and my other favorite feature: color by number!  besides spending a pleasant hour playing with the activity books, i enjoyed looking at the pages already completed by the grandchildren.  because these books have been on the shelf for several years, it was great to look at how their drawings, coloring, letters and numbers changed as they aged.  the best pages were the side by side ones that we had done together.  when i was a child, my sister and i did pages side by side. and my children and i did pages side by side.  of course these would be my favorites in the grandchildren's activity books.  what a great way to begin the day.  now i'm ready for the appointments and errands....


  1. color by number were my fav's but a special book that already had the paint on the page and all you had to do was use a wet brush to bring the color out was a real treat

  2. that was fun as well. the best part was being able to use the brush AND water! thank you for the reminder of a fun kid activity found in a book.
