Wednesday, September 29, 2010

whimsical wednesday!

photographs have been on my mind all week because i didn't know quite how to approach today's whimsical wednesday activity.  this morning i rummaged in the photographs and art supplies for frame decorating or album making ideas.  what i wanted to do with the photographs came to me immediately as i looked through a stack.  my sweet 18 year old zero doggie died in may and the 13 year old mutton doggie has a terminal illness and will soon be gone.  photographic focus, therefore, was looking for photographs of the dogs.  several photographs of both dogs appeared in the many photographs looked at.  each touched my heart and brought a happy and sad smile.  these photographs were set aside for another time.  a time to create an album for each doggie in tribute as both doggies are (and were) very, very special companions.  this would have been enough to fulfill the spirit of whimsical wednesday's activity, however, i wished to be involved still.  looking through the supplies i found the almost finished homemade photo albums that i began last year.  they have remained incomplete because illness sidelined the project when first undertaken and then everything else got priority.  today was the perfect opportunity to complete this project.  what was left to do was the finishing touches and that is the fun part!  each album was given the consideration needed to use just the right materials to make each one unique.  these are now arrayed on the table so they may be admired throughout the remainder of the day.  none are intended for me as they will be gifts.  they will be enjoyed today before being shared.  then others will be able to spend time with their photographs; whimsical wednesday or otherwise.

1 comment:

  1. My co-workers (not knowing about the whimsey project) spent part of this morning finding funny pictures of everyone on staff and creating a slide show for all the front desk computers screen savers. I happened on them working when I stopped for breath (and to deal with a customer issue) mid-morning. It was a nice moment in a crazy day (week!)
