Wednesday, September 15, 2010

whimsical wednesday!

listening can be hard work.  we are so used to being bombarded by sound that we tune most of it out.  we miss a great deal of the world because of this factor.  my listening today consisted of several intense sessions.  in between the nothing but listening i found i was more attuned to the sounds around me than i was otherwise.  throughout the day i listened (notice i didn't say "heard"?) to the sounds of different birds.  they were calling or answering or just singing.  dogs barked in the distance.  one's plaintive cry brought tears to my eyes.  i could only hope he was eased very soon.  the kitty laid on me and i listened to her breathe and purr and the sound of my hand stroking her fur.  i giggled when i listened to the sound of her snoring which sounded like higher pitched zzzzs.  with my eyes closed i knew what the dog was up to.  the sound of her nails on the various flooring in the house.  the crunch of her food as she ate.  the lapping of water from the water bowl when she got a drink.  the coming and going of vehicles on the blacktop beyond the country road that leads to the farm.  i wondered what the drivers were doing; where they were going and what they set out to accomplish for the day.  and, if they were coming north away from town, had they accomplished their missions.  the ducks quacked in all their vocalizations; a familiar sound i never tire of.  the rustle of leaves on the trees as the wind picked up throughout the day caused me to hope that rain was coming.  listening colors the world as a child colors in the spaces of a picture in a coloring book.  my world was brighter today because i listened.

1 comment:

  1. since active listening last wednesday, i have found myself paying attention to the sounds around me; sounds i would previously have tuned out. the one sound that has been the most enjoyable is the music of insects. with cooler weather, the windows are open. this not only allows the wonderful fresh air, but lots of sounds. at night i have laid in bed and as i have fallen into sleep i hear the happy noise of all the insects talking to each other. i've only been able to imagine their conversations because i don't speak insect. be that as it may, i like it.
