Wednesday, August 11, 2010

whimsical wednesday

the road trip was uneventful in the way one wants a journey to be uneventful and it was eventful in the way one hopes a journey will be.  being on the road for six hours with two children under the age of ten offered many opportunities to play "cow!  i win!".  we weren't even out of the driveway when "COW!!!! I WIN!!!!" was trimphantly proclaimed from the back seat because there are cows across the road from the farm.  these were white.  about two miles along there was more cows and i was able to shout "cow! i win!!!"  first.  ha!  these cows were black with white faces.  i love variety.  =]   even though much of the landscape was rural there were only pockets of cows.  but we saw all of them and the three of us took turns (without trying to) at hollering, "cow!  i win!"  first.  peals of laugher followed each sighting.  there were two very creative depictions of cows along the way.  since our whimsical wednesday of cloud watching i have been very observant of the white fluff in the sky.  it was very exciting to find a cow there looking down on me.  a beautiful cow at that, very full and billowy and a lovely shade of the lightest gray.  driving through the largest urban area we passed on the interstate, we saw one of those chik-fil-a billboards that have the cows admonishing the vehicles' passengers to eat mo' chiken!  those cows are something; 3-d, one standing on the shoulders of the other.  the last cows we saw before reaching our destination were standing in the shadow of trees and it was if they were playing hide-and-seek with us as they were dark brown and blended into the shade.  were you able to say, "COW! I WIN!" today??

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