Monday, August 2, 2010

get ready......

last friday i was at the local home improvement center getting a few supplies.  when i exited the store and walked toward the car in the parking lot, an old lady was walking toward me.  i was smiling as i came out of the store, for no particular reason.  she caught sight of my smile and i smiled wider just for her.  she didn't know what to make of this however she smiled in return.  it made me giggle.  oh!  how simple a gesture and how good it felt to share such a simple moment with another.

this whimsical wednesday will be devoted to smiling.  put on a smiley face; be it a sticker, pin, a piece of paper with a smiley face drawn on it with a crayon and stuck to your clothes with masking tape!  whatever the medium, wear a smile all day long.  make note of the reactions you might receive in return and share those with us.  i'm looking forward to wednesday.  (you are welcome to share real smiles as well!)


  1. This morning for camp drop off was outside due to rain. I stood in the foyer of our building and smiled at everyone walking in and told them to enjoy their day. our campers are creating an emoticon project today! Pages filled with circles with every kind of face they can think of inside the circles. One page was nothing but smiley faces! My page is on my office door, smiling at the world as they come in!

  2. then you and the campers had whimsical wednesday early this week. excellent!
