Wednesday, January 15, 2020

whimsical wednesday

it's journal writing day for whimsical wednesday; an endeavor we undertake in months that have five wednesdays. if you don't keep a journal, today is a great day to begin.  what type of journal should one keep? for reference here are my journals:

*a personal journal.
*a memories notebook in which i record random memories. since i don't write in this notebook every day or all that often, really, when a memory comes to mind i write it on a list of memories i keep for when i do write in the memories notebook.
*a themed notebook in which i record life on my farm.
*a notable notebook in which a record random ideas, thoughts, quotes, etc.
*the daily whimsical moments notebook in which i record a moment (or moments) each day that particularly caught my attention; moments that provoked thoughtfulness, a smile, a laugh or something to share with others. 

keeping any journal is a wonderful way to pay attention and connect with life, self and others. what manner of journal do you keep that is unique to yourself that others might employ? share with the whimsey project.


  1. all of my journals have been attended to. how about yours?

  2. I started a 2020 planner in which my daily section includes a funny/sweet/important moment from each day.
