Sunday, November 17, 2019

solitude sunday

solitude sunday at the whimsey project. our day to spend time with a book. the story of how i acquired my book is more interesting than the book itself. living in the country, i often encounter people who are lost. my most recent encounter occurred when a desperate woman rang the doorbell asking is i could help her find her planned destination. while giving her directions, she related she was taking copies of her husband's book to share with the people she was looking for. then she asked me if i wanted to buy a copy of the book! she was so pleased about her husband's book and so hopeful that i might possibly part with ten dollars to acquire his masterpiece that i said, "sure! i'll buy a copy of his book!" and did.  teddy harmon's never give up is a memoir of his growing up years.  thus far, my encounter with teddy's wife is infinitely more interesting than teddy's book. however, i admire and support the efforts of those who pursue their goals.  for teddy that meant writing and publishing a book. you go, teddy! 

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