Wednesday, May 22, 2019

whimsical wednesday

my great nephew declared to his parents that "a box fell over and all the giggles spilled out!". that had me thinking that it would be a great idea for us to create a secure box for our giggles. find a box with a tight lid, perhaps a tin. decorate said container. be sure to label it "giggles" so everyone knows to treat it with care. proudly display your giggle box in a prominent place in your home. and add giggles to it regularly. 

through the alchemy of a simple cardboard box, stickers (which cover all sides of the box), washi tape and paper..... behold! my giggle box. (should the mayor see the box and wish to take possession, it shall be his!)


  1. Haha!! I love this and the mayor will too!!

    1. i had a grand time creating the giggle box.
