Monday, December 10, 2018

miscellaneous monday

i happened upon a recipe for edible play clay in an old magazine i had in a stack used for art journaling. created by ashley ogle for "mary janes farm" magazine, it looked awesome! the clay was made for my two year old buddy. for a christmas gift, the clay was paired with wee cookie cutters for wee hands and a copy of the recipe for mom and dad so they could make more. here's the recipe:

*mix together 1/4 cup powdered milk and 1/4 cup flour.
*mix together 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter and 1/4 cup honey.
*add one mixture into the other, stirring until completely blended and the mixture is smooth.

for play time tape a piece of freezer paper (shiny side up) onto the table for the wee one to use as a mat for the clay. if the clay becomes sticky or too soft to play with, put it in the refrigerator for 10 to 15 minutes. 


  1. I remember some home made...dough? Or something? It tasted like salt. I don't remember if we baked it when we were done or what, but we made Christmas ornaments that were super heavy. And I think had a tendency to get moldy eventually.

    1. yes! salt dough. we also made ornaments that were heavy and got moldy. ah, the traditions of christmas!
