Wednesday, November 15, 2017

whimsical wednesday

we write in our journals in months containing five wednesdays! here we are for november, writing in our journals, for whimsical wednesday. i will be writing in several journals:
*personal journal
*memories notebook in which i record random memories
*farm journal in which i write about what's happening on the farm
*notable notebook in which i record awesome stuff like quotes and neat ideas
*daily whimsical moment notebook in which i record a special moment from each day (not just on whimsical wednesday but every day!)
if you do not currently keep a journal today is a good day to begin. keep a journal about a hobby. start a notable notebook. a memories notebook will be enjoyed for years to come. and, of course, do record a daily whimsical moment. it lifts the spirit. none of these journals need be elaborate.  if you even write a single sentence it's a journal!


  1. I have found if I don't 'journal' who/what I have sent mail to, it just gets lost in the gray matter.

    1. good way to keep track as well as record a memory.
