Wednesday, October 4, 2017

whimsical wednesday

we are on a treasure hunt in our homes for whimsical wednesday. look around your house. what is the oldest item therein? what is it? where did it come from? who did it belong to? tell the story of the oldest item in your home for whimsical wednesday!

the oldest item in my home belonged to my maternal great-grandmother; two pieces of ruby and clear cut depression glass. my mother said they were the only items of value that belonged to her grandmother and then mother. her mother gave them to her. she gave them to me for my daughters. when she gave them to me, years ago when my daughters were young, she wrote the family history of the pieces and tucked that paper in one of the pieces.


  1. I think it is either a jade plant or a pendulum clock.
    The jade plant is from a plant that goes back many generations.The original plant could be a 100 years old!
    The clock was on the family farm for many years, so it could be very old as well.

    1. it's neat that you have something living that is that old. as well as the clock.

  2. How awesome about the glass, and having the history in Granny's distinct script is a bonus!

  3. I have a transom window from my grandma's parents' fam house. It's a beautiful mustard yellow, just as it was in the house. It's a picture frame for me now!

    1. awesome! how did the transom window leave the house?

    2. By way of my grandparents taking them. LOL! It's in disrepair and the cousin that owns the property now has made it fair game to take anything we want before it's eventually torn down.
