Saturday, July 1, 2017

trivia tuesday

trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the trivia; experiential or factual. bring on the trivia!

last week's photo for photo friday depicts the raccoon family that currently lives in the huge maple tree in front of the house. a mama raccoon will have her babies and they will live in a tree for about two months before coming down to begin to explore the world. this is the second time mama raccoon has presented us with five kits! and this is several years in that she has chosen the farm for her nursery. by the photo it's obvious to see why! there's a restaurant just a short walking distance from the tree hotel.  mama choose wisely.  (sam was here working on outdoor chores when he saw them all munching on the cat food. i was so excited to see his photograph land in my texts.)

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