Tuesday, November 8, 2016

trivia tuesday

trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the trivia; experiential or factual! what say you about trivia?

did you know you can still purchase old fashioned hair spray? my artist daughter told me hair spray could be used as a fixative for art media, like chalk and pastels. it's cheaper than the type sold in arts and crafts stores. the quest began. i found hair spray; aqua net in the tall metal can, just like what mom used when i was a kid. good to know that some things don't change!


  1. I wish I had known you were needing this tip. I have a can of hairspray right in my craft closet. Well right at the moment it's packed in a box as the closet and the room it belong to is undergoing change.

    Another tip to go along, use the hairspray outside and you won't be spraying the smell and fumes in the house to breathe. Non windy day or covered area preferred!

    1. spray outside! thank you for the offer of your can. it was a quest to seek one out; if for nothing else to see if i could find an old-fashioned can of hairspray!
