Wednesday, April 13, 2016

whimsical wednesday

whimsical wednesday! we're celebrating national bookmobile day. how so? not everyone has a mobile built just for books. however, if we have a vehicle we can go mobile with books. gather books you are finished with. put them in your vehicle. get mobile with the books. take them to an organization that will appreciate having them; such as a day care center, women's shelter, charity shop, whatever works best in your area. report to the whimsey project your bookmobile project for whimsical wednesday!


  1. Don't forget the tiny libraries that are popping up all over the place.They almost look like bird houses. There is one on the walking path at the park by mom's where I put extra books in. Can't remember the name of them, but there is a website you can find locations.

  2. goggle Little Free Libraries to link to website

  3. a dozen books were put in a box. the box was put in the automobile, which served as a bookmobile. the box of books made their way to a new thrift shop on my end of town; a shop from which the proceeds benefits people locally. yay!
