Monday, October 26, 2015

miscellaneous monday

miscellaneous monday at the whimsey project! our day to share all the stuff we don't share the rest of the week. bring on the miscellaneous.  miscellaneous. such a cool word!

there's nothing like a kitty sigh. one of my kitties has been a snuggler since she came here as a wee kitten. she gets in the crook of my arm, settles in and offers a long, contented sigh. this has been our routine for more than ten years now and it delights me still.


  1. Oh, too sweet. love kitties.
    More candy corn trivia:when it was first produced, it was called 'chicken feed'. The boxes had a colorful rooster logo and it said "Something worth crowing for!". That's a hoot, or should I say a crow!

    1. that's neat! chicken feed. i wonder if chickens like candy corn.
