Tuesday, May 26, 2015

trivia tuesday

trivia tuesday at the whimsey project! our day to share all manner of trivia; experiential or factual. bring it on!

from the national geographic bee:

which is the term. for the treeless biome in high latitudes that has permafrost?  tundra or isotherm?
if you selected tundra, you are correct!


  1. Not trivia, just an observation probably better suited for Monday's subject, but I wasn't on here Monday, so it gets posted on Tuesday.

    I watched the National Memorial Day Concert Sunday night. It was recorded live and was night time in Washington DC. While this one lady was singing (I can't remember her name but she had a beautiful voice!), the main stage lights were dimmed and there was just a spotlight on her. She was a singer that opens her mouth very wide when she sings - gets full use of all that space for resonance in her mouth and throat. I had trouble paying attention to what she was singing because I was so distracted by the bugs flying around her in the circle of light created by the spotlight. I kept wondering what she would do if one of those bugs flew in her mouth when she inhaled! I backed the show up to listen to her again, and still couldn't get my mind to leave those crazy bugs alone. As far as I know, she did not inhale any bugs! WHEW!

    1. there's a lesson in that experience! don't sing in the dark under a spotlight!!!

  2. Ha, I have lived on the tundra!

  3. Bundt Cake--from Woman's Day, David Dalquist, founder of Nordic Ware, created the Bundt Pan in the 1950s for a dense cake called kugelkopf. It recquired a pan with a hole so the batter would bake evenly. BUNDT comes from the German word bund, meaning 'gathering'. He added a 't' to trademark the word.
    I remember tunnel of fudge cakes being baked in mom's Bundt pan!

  4. Reminds me of the song--swallow a fly and I don't know why! ha
