Wednesday, November 27, 2013

whimsical wednesday

it's get ready for thanksgiving day for whimsical wednesday!  do something fun that will contribute to your holiday; by yourself or with others.

the grandchildren and i created a centerpiece for the table.  we simply scouted about the house and outside for plates, candles, small natural items like acorns, rocks and pine cones.  then we arranged them on a tea towel on the table.  we also cut out turkey shapes to put on the holiday table.  on these we will write our blessings.

what did you do to prepare for thanksgiving this whimsical wednesday?


  1. Made sticky buns to warm in the oven after the turkey comes out, sweet tator casserole to put in the crock pot,and puppy chow/m&m casserole to munch on before and after the feast!
