Wednesday, May 1, 2013

whimsical wednesday

it's may day on whimsical wednesday! we are celebrating may day in any way we wish, preferably with flowers.

my whimsical wednesday may day activity consisted of sowing daisy flower seeds on a bare spot by the dock.  the seeds were randomly scattered after a rake was applied to the earth to gently loosen the soil.  after the seeds were in place, the area was covered with a thin layer of potting soil.  we'll see what emerges! if any flowers grow, may day flowers will last longer than may day!

what did you do to celebrate may day this whimsical wednesday?


  1. I sent a card to a Church member who resides in a local
    nursing home.
    I also took pictures of the pretty bushes/flowers around the folk's house to share later.

    1. lovely may day/whimsical wednesday activities!
