Tuesday, April 16, 2013

not something you see every day!

tuesday and time for NOT SOMETHING YOU SEE EVERY DAY at the whimsey project!  please share your unique, interesting, unusual, funny experiences.


  1. I received an Easter Flamingo Card!
    Now that's not something you see everyday!

    1. an easter flamingo card? definitely NOT something you see every day! (no doubt the easter bunny was confused by that!)

  2. Heading west on I-44 going towards Springfield, MO, there is a company that creates huge lighted "light decorations". I would say they are more what corporations might use, but are advertised for the yard. They have a display for drivers to see as they drive by, a huge water type bird, huge boat, huge tractor and a few other odd things. Sometimes at night they are lit up. Not something you see every day!

    1. that sounds like fun! i would like a huge lighted tractor for my yard!
