Wednesday, January 8, 2014

whimsical wednesday

it's resolutions with a twist for whimsical wednesday!  make a list, from the serious to the sublime, of what you are NOT going to do in 2014!

presenting, in no particular order, my NOT resolutions for 2014:

i will NOT
*win the lottery.
*neglect the important.
*explore outer mongolia.
*invent the next big thing.
*adopt any more cats.
*think about creating but actually create.
*stop being aware.
*write the great american novel.
*allow the clutter of daily life to overwhelm.
*climb mt kilimanjaro.
*be discouraged.
*walk like an egyptian.


  1. I will not stop my Card Ministry.
    I will not let the bill paying desk pile up.
    I will not forget to smile at someone who needs a smile.
    I will not be thankful for my blessings just one day a year, but everyday.

    1. the second will not will be the most difficult to manage. i almost added that i would not trash my car but i knew that one was hopeless.

  2. Replies
    1. that's a grand NOT resolution, windy girl!
